Face yoga is one of the trendiest types of yoga. The big advantage is that the exercises are very easy and can be practiced in the comfort of your chair. In order to see the first results, you need to practice your facial exercises regularly six to seven days a week for 20 to 30 minutes a day. According to experts, it takes at least three to four weeks before you start noticing results. As these exercises can be actually harmful if you have a pre-determined medical condition, you may need to consult your dermatologist before starting to perform them.

 Will you look younger?

 Many studies on this topic have been published over the past few years and most of them point out that if practiced regularly, this type of yoga can actually help you rejuvenate your skin. These facial workouts help reduce wrinkles, minimize the signs of facial aging and also help fill in sunken cheeks. By strengthening and developing your eyelid, eyebrow, jaw and cheek muscles, you will definitely look younger and your skin will go through a dramatic rejuvenation process.

By properly covering all layers of your skin, at-home facial massage can also increase blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach skin cells.

Based on the opinion of experts and yoga practitioners with whom we have recently been in contact, we are able to offer you a list of five easy yoga exercises to ensure firm skin. Many of them can offer a very affordable alternative to Botox and painful and expensive cosmetic surgery.

Before you begin the exercises, make sure your skin is clean and your hands are clean too.

  1. Exercises for the eyelids 

You must follow the following steps:

  • Start by pressing your middle finger to the corner of your eyebrows. At the outer corners of the eyebrows, apply pressure. Hold it for a few seconds.
  • Lift the skin under the eyes then relax.
  • Repeat this exercise several times. It's very relaxing and can be done during your coffee break or shortly after you start your day.

  1. cheek exercises
You must follow the following steps:
  • At the beginning, hide your teeth with your lips and try to make an O with your mouth. 
  • Smile broadly, while doing your best to hide your teeth.
  •   Repeat this exercise six to ten times. You will notice the tension in your muscles. 
  • Then place your index finger on your chin and hold the broad smile. Meanwhile, start moving the jaw up and down. While doing this, gently tilt your head back. 
  • You can repeat this exercise for at least one minute.

  1. Exercises for a wrinkle-free forehead
You must follow the following steps:
Place both hands on your forehead. Spread your fingers in the area between the eyebrows and the hairline.
  • Sweep your fingers outward across the forehead, while applying light pressure to the skin. Tighten the skin and massage the area for a few seconds. 
  • Repeat the exercise for a maximum of 5 minutes.


  1. Exercises for your eyebrows
You must follow the following steps:
  • Each of your index fingers should be placed under your eye. The top of the finger should point towards your nose. 
  • Try to form an O with your mouth, while hiding the teeth. 
  • Clap your upper eyelids and try to relax in this position for at least 30 seconds.

  1. Chin and neck exercises
You must follow the following steps:
  • While your eyes are looking straight ahead, you should place your fingertips at the bottom of your neck.
  • Begin lightly stroking the skin downward, while your head is tilted back.
  • Bring your head back to your chest.
  • Repeat this exercise for about 2 minutes.
  • The next step is to move the lower lip as far as possible in order to pull the corners of the mouth down.
  • Place your fingers on the collarbone and move your chin up. Hold on for five deep, relaxing breaths.


Have you ever tried facial yoga? What are your experiences in this look? We look forward to reading your comments. in five deep, relaxing breaths.